Our Products

A high quality and nutritional value cheese selection originating from the land of Amfilochia, made for everyone to enjoy. In combinations or each on its own. Our cheeses are delicious either way!
#amfilohiasgi #apomonotou



A hard pale-yellow cheese, with hard skin, pleasant taste, rich aroma and a solid structure “decorated” with scattered irregular holes. Gruyere is made exclusively from sheep’s or goat’s milk and is the second most popular cheese after feta.


The perfect companion to honey, fresh or dried fruit, nuts, and breadsticks. It can be consumed raw like table cheese, with bread or accompanied by fruit, while it also adds a unique flavor to dishes like risotto, moussaka and omelets. It is also delicious when served fried as an appetizer.



Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheese, in accordance with Greek and European Legislation.
This cheese is produced from goat’s and sheep’s milk, with a maximum goat’s milk percentage of 10%. The presence of other types of milk as well as the presence of antibiotics, the use of condensed or powdered milk, milk proteins, dyes and preservatives are all prohibited. It is a hard pale-yellow cheese, with thin skin, a pleasant salty taste, an intense aroma and a hole-bearing solid structure.


It is primarily used as table cheese, but also in cooking, in pies and pasta, fried or as part in whatever recipe calls for a spicy, hard cheese. As for wine-pairing, as a saltier cheese it seeks the company of a white dry one, acidic enough, but it can also be served with other white spirits like ouzo or tsipouro.



Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheese, in accordance with Greek and European Legislation. It is produced from goat’s and sheep’s milk, with a maximum goat’s milk percentage of 30%. The presence of other types of milk as well as the presence of antibiotics, the use of condensed or powdered milk, milk proteins, dyes and preservatives are all prohibited. It is a soft, brine, white cheese, with a characteristic brackish and sour taste, compact structure and a hole-bearing mass. The containing fat ranges from 30% to 60%, while the average is around 45%.


Enjoyed on its own or as a side dish. Feta is the most characteristic and favorable cheese of the Greek diet and present on almost every kitchen table, while it has also earned recognition from most international cuisines. It is hard to imagine traditional or modern Greek cuisine dishes without a slice of feta Cheese. Apart from its use as a side dish, feta doubles as an ingredient in a large number of recipes for casserole, grilled and fried dishes and salads. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it could easily be used everywhere, adding value to each dish. Suitable for all consumer groups except from those allergic or intolerant to milk or cheese.



Fresh, soft, low-fat, white cheese, with a granular to creamy surface, a soft structure with undefined shape and a sour or subacid pleasant rich flavor. It has a particularly gentle aftertaste that can be attributed to the use of sheep and goat milk.


As a side dish or cooked. Suitable for all consumer groups except those allergic or intolerant to milk or cheese. It can also be used in tzatziki, tirokafteri, dakos salad, pies, as a thickening agent for a red or wine sauce or even instead the grated cheese on pasta or the heavy cream in a “faux” carbonara.



It is a hard, off-white to pale-yellow cheese, with hard skin and a spicy and intense flavor with a characteristic aroma, and an irregular hole-bearing solid structure. Based on a traditional recipe, it bears a characteristic rich aroma and a spicy flavor. Its unique feature is its characteristic salty flavor.


Enjoyed both cooked and raw. Pecorino is usually consumed after lunch, as a dessert, and is served either with pears, walnuts, or covered in chestnut honey. Today it is mainly used in pasta dishes and for pizza coating. Suitable for all consumer groups except from those allergic or intolerant to milk or cheese.